The Best ways to work effectively are . . . . .

 The first thing to do is determine your goals and break them into smaller manageable tasks.  Use your goals to help you prioritize your day and see if you can eliminate any unnecessary tasks.  You may want to write down your goals and keep them as a visible reminder.  What time during the day are you the most productive?  The most creative?  A way to find that out would be to keep a written journal for a week and track the times when you have the most energy and when you are the most tired and in need of a break.  Typically, peak productivity time occurs in the morning because glucose levels are usually the highest.  Learning to say, “no” can be your best friend.  It may be easier said than done, but can be very effective.

You are helpful, and want to help others, but you also need to stay on track.  Get your mundane tasks done early in the morning.  Then schedule your calls or meetings after 11:00am when you are ready to take a break.  Try the Pomodoro Technique.  Work for 25 minutes (a pomodoro) then take a 5 minute break.

After 4 pomodoro’s take a prolonged break.  Your work time will be much more productive when you are focused and refreshed.  Using a pen and paper – yes, pen and paper – write down your top three tasks that will need to be completed the next day.  Do this before you leave work so you are ready to jump right in when you arrive in the morning.  Schedule a time to tackle those emails.  It’s really easy to check them multiple times during the day, but when you are trying to get a task accomplished, it can be a real waste of time.  And remember to keep a good attitude!