Increase your confidence in an interview by doing…..

You want to make a good impression at your job interview, and it’s only natural to feel nervous, but part of performing well is not letting your anxiety show. You want to appear confident to those evaluating you.  There is a chance you won’t be considered as a serious candidate for the job if you lack confident and are nervous.  You need demonstrate how well you perform under pressure.  Be the first to extend your hand for a FIRM handshake, smile and make eye contact.  These actions will help make a strong impression on everyone you meet.  That includes everyone you meet along the way because your impression starts the moment you walk in the door.  Sometimes, an interviewer will ask other personnel to offer their opinions about you.  Part of your image is how you are dressed.  Men should wear a suit, and the same goes for women.  Pantsuits or skirt suits that are black, brown or navy blue in color are good choices.  Be aware of your body language and be sure to shake hands when you are finished.  Prepare your questions beforehand so you are ready when asked.  Use your normal speaking voice, but use a little conviction.  Do not hesitate when you speak – stay relaxed.  Role play with a friend the day before your interview.  This will help keep you relaxed and confident.  Convince the interviewer that you are passionate about what you do and why you would be the best choice.  Stay calm and good luck!  If you need help during your tech interview, contact one of our recruiters for help.