Leverage your Strengths in a Job Interview

You will have many chances to showcase your strengths during a job interview. Be prepared to sell yourself. Do your research to create a short 1-2 minute introduction. Identify the preferred characteristics of their ideal candidate so you can highlight relevant strengths pertaining to the job you seek. Review the company website, similar job postings on job boards, and reach out to professionals currently in the field.

Typically, an interviewer will ask you right away to tell them a little about yourself. You could provide an interesting look at your work history, explain how your background makes you stand out against other candidates, and discuss your credentials that are job specific such as specializations, degrees earned, increased sales, etc. Creating this introduction and presenting it early during the interview will help outline your strengths. It will also give your interviewer a chance to ask questions about your job experience.

Open ended interview questions are more popular than simple yes and no questions. Don’t be nervous about this, because you now have a chance to tell your story. The interviewer is watching to see how you behave while you are telling your story. Your body language, the way you speak, mannerisms, etc. will all be critiqued. Your problem solving skills will also be evaluated. Be prepared to have four to six examples that demonstrated your ability to overcome a problem.

Choose two or three of the following attributes relative to your position and follow them up with a story. Leadership, Strategic Planning, Instilling Positivity in Teams, Thinking Creatively, Creating Goals and Meeting Them, Increasing Sales, Decreasing Spending, Measuring Performance, Working in Teams, Planning Budgets, Communication, Productivity.

Practice your answesr before your interview. Write a positive statement and say it with confidence. The interviewer is trying to determine if you are a good fit for their company and is forming a picture of you based on your answers so let them know what you have to offer.

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